For communicating with the beavers, 5 Protocols and the Action and Reaction Plan were created, to be followed by the Institute of River Preservation. The Institute of River Preservation (IRL) represents all the authorized humans who intervene in the process of communicating with the beavers.
The Action and Reaction Plan contemplates the possibilities to happen in the Co-worker pact between the Institute for River Preservation and the beavers, analyses the made interventions by the Beavers and reactions to IRL humans' actions, and shows the protocol to be followed by IRL.
There is a Protocol for each element of the Toolkit that describes the tool itself and explains how to use it. Protocols will also be used to keep track of the agreement/disagreement in each location for each tool.
-Created Protocol No° 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 (see here)
-Created Action Plan outlining all the possibilities, those actions and reactions can be tried out in the model.
Research was done to improve the Toolkit elements.
-We were introduced to new potential tools for the Beaver Suit that resemble their tooth.
-The main features of the Sound Tubes were defined. We're considering to make an Open Participatory Design with the citizens of Munich.
-The Pipe System suffered many changes in comparison to Michel Leclair's. In order to avoid grids or cages that may put the Beavers in danger, a new two-gate-system was created. This new system would allow an easy, frequent water regulation. It would require of an auxiliary structure.
-Sketches were made to illustrate and show potential designs (on the right).
-Research about the Smells was made
------------------NEXT STEPS------------------
Protocol N° 7: Monitoring the dams, insuring the protection of the area, providing informations, signs and leisure possibilities for humans around the beaver active and flooded areas, elaborating possibilities of adaptation of beaver structures: dam crossings, use of cut down trees, ...
Updated Smell Communication Tool.