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opportunities to build dams

walk along the isar - beavers in the city






Beaver trace collection along the Isar


During our walk along the Isar on 21 December, we tried to look for certain signs of beaver activity near the river. It’s not always as easy to know what is done by beavers, men, or nature itself. With our camera we captured as many of these signs as possible.
When you look closely, you could actually see some traces of the beaver, for example: tree trunks and branches cut down with a 45° angle with visible teeth marks. There were also a lot of situations where we couldn’t tell if it was done by beavers or not, for example: a pile of branches and sticks in the water or objects getting stuck behind poles in the river.
We did not only find beaver activity, but also human activity working against the beaver. There’s some trees which are protected with chicken wire, so the beaver can’t eat or cut down the tree. The protected trees did not seem to have a specific pattern why they were chosen to be protected, since they varied a lot in size and placement.


Modified concept draft:

Step 1) learn the beaver's language


1. get familiar with the beaver's perspective

2. make use of the gadgets and clothes we               designed for beavering


Step 2) create a dialogue between human and beaver designers


1. use sound communication

2. mark unsuitable areas (with bottles of foreign.       beaver pheromones) 

3. create maps for beavers


Step 3) learn the rules for beaver collaboration


1. don't touch their material

2. give them a starting point to build

3.if necessary, intervene early in order to not.      having to destroy a advanced dam


Good to go: work schedule


Applying the ruleset, humans can start working during the day, beavers then contribute during the night. 




------------------NEXT STEPS------------------



  • How can a beaver-designed riverside be used by humans for social purposes?

  • What would a map for beavers look like?

  • How can the beavers communicate with us

  • create sound communication tapes

  • create gadgets / clothes for beavering 

@ 2017 Katharina Meenenga, Laura Krohn, Marie Van Tricht, Pedro Racha-Pacheco, Seppe Verhaegen, Victoria Schulz with

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