The official homepage of the River Biodiversity Union is online: https://riverbiodiversity.wixsite.com/union
We presented our concepts and the by us invented institution called RBU to a jury of experts in sociology, anthropology, architecture and design. The presentation was staged as late design competition of the Isar re-naturalization. Our entry was therefore called "Re-re-naturalization", the slideshow can be viewed here by clicking on the PDF below.
The four members of the Jury were:
Enrique Niete, architect (Architectural Projects Dpt., Univ. of Alicante)
Ursula Münster, anthropologist (Rachel Carson's Center, LMU)
Karianne Fogelberg, designer (Akademie der Bildenden Künste München, Munich)
Susanne Schmidt, sociologist (Soziologie und Gender Studies, LMU)
Prior presenting, we added new features to the RBU: We developed a Strategy Puzzle helping to work out plans with the help of the protocols, a Strategy Board to pin in the different locations and the River Reports in which members of the RBU document the respective events on the dams. All instructions for that can be found in the Handbook, which is also attached below.
The final submission is the website of the RBU. It presents all concepts we developed during the design process united as River Biodiversity Union. You will find an introduction of the Union, our Commitment Form with all important additional information and an online version of the RBU's assembly room there. The Assembly room is created as interactive showcase of all our documents, artefacts and concepts. To finish up the result, the website appears like an official platform of an already existing institution. We want to give the user the impression that this is realistic, open and innovative. We will remain working on the project and hope for as much attention for the reasoning we did and the mindset we have, as possible, because we believe that what we designed made us more sensitive for thinking about a larger extend of our work.